[NCCN 2015]复发性骨髓瘤最佳治疗——Kenneth C. Anderson博士访谈

作者:  K.C.Anderson   日期:2015/3/15 16:56:22  浏览量:65936


专家简介:Kenneth C. Anderson博士,是NCCN多发性骨髓瘤指南专家组主席,来自美国丹娜法伯/布列根和妇女医院癌症中心。2015年NCCN会议上,Anderson博士做主题报告“多发性骨髓瘤治疗进展和发展方向”(Multiple Myeloma: Current Treatment Approaches and Future Directions)

  Oncology FrontierCan you outline the recent changes that have occurred in the NCCN Guidelines as they relate to the treatment of myeloma?




  Dr Anderson: The latest update of the NCCN Guidelines is probably the most exciting yet. In terms of the initial management of the myeloma patient with newly diagnosed disease, there are more options than ever before. The most recent addition is lenalidomide and dexamethasone given continuously until the time of relapse. This is based on a randomized trial, the FIRST trial, where lenalidomide and dexamethasone given continuously extended the overall and progression free survival of non-transplant candidates. This is very exciting and further supports using novel drugs like immunomodulatory drugs together, not only as induction but also as a continuous and maintenance strategy.


  In terms of the latest iteration for relapsed disease, the new guidelines now include for the first time, panobinostat and dexamethasone with bortezomib. Panobinostat is a histone deacetylase inhibitor and a new class of agent for treating relapsed myeloma. It will be the first of a whole new generation of this class of agents which currently allows us to use panobinostat with bortezomib, but someday more selective histone deacetylase inhibitors will be used, not only with protease inhibitors, but probably with immunomodulatory drugs as well.


  So the most important thing about the NCCN Guidelines is that they have established algorithms or opportunities for treatment options for patients at different stages of the disease. More and more around the world, there is guaranteed access of patients to these novel agents. There is much progress that we can be very excited about, but it is important that patients can very quickly and in real time get access to these medicines so they can appreciate the benefits so they and their families can live longer, healthy and happy lives.









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